Sunday 15 November 2015

Bell of Lost Souls sit down, Renegades do it better

It has been a while since I have posted on here, my apologies for this I just have been 'out-of-it' for a while and become a tad rusty with my 40K. Basically, not had time to play, read or chat with many people but a post about BOLS on Allies of Convenience got my pointy marines mojo going again so here we go! P.S go easy on me!

I have read a post entry on BOLS and I have got to say I am disappointed with their attempt to create a "Thunder Bomb" I can say as someone who doesn't even play top hardcore that I can make a better "Bomb" then they can.
The most brilliant thing is, this isn't even a Bomb! It's just a single unit with a single character in it. 

Disclaimer: By no means am I saying these units I am selecting as my example are OP, or a Wrecking Bomb they just do it better than the boys in blue.

Take a Crimson Slaughter Detachment and Chaos Renegades, either can be your primary. Take a Level 3 Chaos Sorcerer with the Bale Star for Divination (Re-roles to hit, Ignore Cover, 4+ inv are the primary ones you want) and the Familiar Re-roles on your failed casts.
Now from the Renegades, take 3 Ordnance field batteries and give them Militia Training for the extra BS and buy all the extra crewmen for fodder pieces. Finally top it off with some fortification, for cheapness reasons, an Agus Defence line (there are probably similar and better ones for you to take).

So your costs are 135 for the sorcerer, 50 for the Agus and 223 for the Ordnance Battery (3 gun carriages, with 21 crew members with +1 BS). So it is a bit of expense. Sitting the carriages at the back of the board with the majority of your crew fodder stood in front, and a few behind, your sorcerer hidden away within the unit nice and safe and the Agus sat in front of them all.

Now here's where it excels. Renegades have the "Uncertain Worth" special rule, but the chaos sorcerer overrides that and gives them a LD10 to help them stand firm. With his psychic powers all rolled on the Divination table you can guarantee Re-roles to hit, and 50% chances on your rending, ignore cover and 4+ powers, all of which you would rather enjoy. The Agus gives a helping hand with saving throws as the troops don't have an armour save, if your entire unit can fit within some terrain too then other artillery shots still give you cover saves, not to mention you have 32 T7 wounds on the field when being shot at.
Cast up Re-roles to hit and any other powers that would help your Ordnance land them hits. Also with being S9 AP3 with the range to cover the board there are many units that are going to cower before your first turns of shooting.

Best case scenario is 3 S9 AP3 covering entire board with Re-roles to hit, ignore cover and either Rending or the 4+ invuln set off then you can have your fun.

The tactics here are literally point and shoot at anything you don't like, Tau gun lines, necron destroyers, Leman Russ, Characters. Just say "That one" and roll dice. Sometimes I feel shooty armies have easier tactics... other parts of your army can peel and protect them such as Spawn or bikers to keep them safe a few extra turns.

Now an alternate unit available for this play are the Quad Mortar Field Batteries (140 points for 4 pieces and 16 fodders), with 16,  S5 AP5 shots hurts units far more than tanks but is far more accurate and devastating than the ordnance and it's basically the same principle, just don't bother shooting tanks.

Please comment your opinions about this build. It's not really a over powered bomb. It is just two good units, one powerful the other as a buff. Over all it's only one unit pumping shots and can be dealt with via combat but can easily be sat somewhere safe.

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