Friday 15 May 2015

Chaos Rumours on the horizon: Does AI13 Drop any hints?

Just today, I have read up on rumour blogs about Chaos Space Marines receiving a new Chaos Marines faction that is perhaps in the works. Seen as though Chaos is like my thing, I thought I would share my thoughts with you on what I think/ guess they could be, if they will exist at all. Please note, take the salt by the bucket load: This is all just theories for now.

Theory 1: The Lost and The Damned

Ok, so this one would be an obvious route, the AI13 book is still quiet new, albeit not extremely as effective in the UK as elsewhere, but at least I can win some of my games now by actually killing enemy models. For now we have been having to make use of the Astra Militarium's box sets to make our rabbles, Renegade Platoons and our armoured companies, but quiet a few units available for the book don't exist on GW lines, and some of them not even on FW lines, take some of the Artillery options for example.
Bringing out Chaotic Guard boxes would be really nice, with Renegades being able to use a but-tone of equipment that IG/AM don't get to get their grubby hands on, it would be useful for the Lost and The Damned players to be able to not have to scrounge through their bits boxes looking for them banner sticks.
Also, with the modeling. The best you can do making IG/MA look chaosy is paint their armour either red or give them the legion/ warband colours of your army, perhaps some grotesque bits and pieces would make them look far prettier in the eyes of there benevolent gods. This goes the same for the mutant rabble and zombies, more kits more stuffs.
Perhaps there will be a sequel book? as AI: 13 is all about the War Machines, what happens if AI:14 is about the Damned themselves?

Theory 2: Warp Ghosts

This carries on a bit from the AI:13 theory. If you read through AI:13 a heck of a lot of the entries are about Warp Ghosts, in fact they are the best bits of the fluffy side of the book for me, suddenly I want to re-paint all my Iron Warriors into Warp Ghosts... Perhaps that can be my third list. Anyway, even with Lord of War entries like the Typhon, there is reference to a Typhon Formation used by Warp Ghosts and we know GW are liking them Formations at the moment arn't they.
Warp Ghosts also are an old Renegade Warband. They were in the older Chaos Marine Dex's such as 3.5, before even Crimson Slaughterers took the spot light at the poster boy. If these bad boys were to replace the Slaughterers I would be a happy chappy and I think Chaos would look far more appealing with a unique creepy looking Renegade that isn't just "Look, another Khorne worshiper"
Warp Ghosts seem like the best option for me, but I never would say no to a new AI book with awesome new characters and units in. but we can all hope and pray.

Theory 3: The Flawless Host

So these guys have been poking there head into the Slannesh "Spot Light" recently, and they have been making appearances in the older books too. The Flawless Host also fluff wise are a lot universal than the standard Slannesh kinky whips and chains thing and more seeking perfection.
There has been a lot of superstition lately about what is going to happen to Slannesh as a whole, where the Eldar books talk of a way they have to stop Slannesh eating their souls. Now, I am one of the ones who don't think that GW will knock Slannesh out of the 3rd story window and be done with it never to be seen in the lore again. Why? Because once again in AI: 13 the Flawless Host make a number of appearances, and they are in the Chaos Dex's too. They are pasted on lots of short stories and such, and I doubt they would have if GW was planning the chop.
Ok, so perhaps Slannesh may be blocked by the Eldar completely, never able to touch their souls again. Or the Daemon side takes a sufficient kick in, but I see no reason to drop them completely.
Also in the Sonic Dreadnaught entry I do believe it mentions the Host in passing along with the Subjugator. Now, if the Flawless Host were going to make an apperance, there is a new Lord Of War entry sat their right for the taking.

Theory 4: It's Nurgle Again YEY!

As we all know, who are the 2 most favorites in GW's chaos basket: Khorne and Nurgle. Now, Khorne already has 3 Dedicated Lords of War, about 3-4 AI:13 Dedicated entries and a brand new 40K Codex all for them, so it might as well be time to pump nurlges 1 Lord of War and 2 AI:13 entries up to match it a bit don't you think? Although many will be unhappy with this, especially Slannesh and Tzeentch, I would not mind too much running a giant mutant - zombie - daemon army of the walking dead without having to pay 230 points tax taking Typhus.

Whichever it may be, even if it is true at all, someone somewhere will benefit from a new book from fluff and lore loving to game play enjoyment and competitive hammer squishing. Lets just hope it isn't another Black Legion supplement if something is coming. What are your theories?

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