Saturday 28 November 2015

New Competitive list!

Pulling out the miniatures from under my bed and blowing the layers of dust off them I gave in to contemplation. Dam it! For a while I have been relaxing with 40K, not really playing much and my head hasn't been in the competitive game and honestly I think it's done me good. If you are a standard chaos player; buy dex, build awesome list, paint it up all nice like, go to club, get wrecked by a scrub lord who charges you with Fire Warriors, go home, cry, hate codex.

Ok, its not exactly that scenario but many of us have felt the pains of chaos. Thanks for the Spawn... Abaddon needed that...

Anyway, staying away from the game and then listening to some Allies of Convenience Podcasts and listening in on what lists people take to tournaments and it is interesting. There is everything from Thunder Cav to 3 Knights and 5 psykers - thats 1850 BTW - to 5 Hive Tyrants and Fateweaver. Talk about fun fun fun! Well I started thinking what can Chaos do bar cry in the corner and beg to not me killed? Well fight back!

Here's the list Idea. Tough things that can dish out damage and not die afterwards, doesn't sound like the Chaos Codex does it? Well that's because all it takes from the Codex is 2 squads of 10 cultists and the name... What?

So starting off the list is:

Chaos Knight Errant: Daemon of Khorne, 1st War of Armageddon.

So, being the first up it is quiet a hammer unit. The only way for Chaos getting D weapon combat attacks without spending 700 points on a D3+2 Stomps for D weapon attacks, ridiculous. Anyway, Daemon of Khorne grant's it the Daemon 5+ invuln save and +D3 attacks on Charge instead of 1 and I can re-role the dice that determines my stomps, and 1st War of Armageddon gives all it a +1 to all Invulnerable saves made by the Chaos Knight, even it's ion shield. So 4+ all day every day and 3+ on ion shielding. So we are going to get into combat now!

455 points


It's Be'Lakor, he's brilliant if used correctly and a point sink if you are stupid with him. So I gotta practice. Guaranteed Invis, Shriek and Shrouding makes him very adequate indeed, also with the capability to knock out a Knight, I'm not saying no.


2 units of Cultists

Ob Sec! Win Games.... or die


Daemon CAD.... Shush! Chaos is on top so it counts as CSM.

Karos Fateweaver

Fatey does what he does. 4 powers, re-roles a single selected dice a turn and re-role on Warpstorm
table so I can get added Daemon Bonus's. He flies and hides at the back of this army, out of the way for good measure summons off of Daemonology and keeps himself to himself. Sounds like him.


2 Tzeentch Heralds - 2 Discs, both LVL 3, one exalted reward... guess which!

So, we know the council is meant to have 4, but fatey was expensive and I want to be combat orientated and less heralds means less damage if they pop. These two can either both roll Daemonology or on 2 separate tables each to give me versatility with my spells.

7 Screamers of Tzeentch

With the council comes the guard, and 7 of them is all I could afford. They are tough and they do give me very versatile options for assaults and support. With their turbo boost ability to hit enemy models they are brilliant for last turn objective grabbing and with their AP2 armourbane bites they can lend a hand to any naughty tanks, I could try them on knights if the suicide mojo is on. Best test first.


2 units of 11 Horrors

4 More warp charge to add to the pile, and most useful troops choice in the Daemons dex with that invulnerable save. Obviously kept in reserve deep strike at the beginning of the game they can drop in when the board is a little 'safer' for them.


Total 1849

We need some tactics, so I need to practice. I'll let you know how the practice games go!

Edit: It has come to my attention that the 1st War of Armageddon doesn't effect the Knights Ion Shield saves and several points have been made that I am taxing myself a full 85 points for a +1 to a single invulnerable save. Brain says time to change that, perhaps some brain cell rubbing for the future.

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