Monday 20 February 2017

Alternate Legion Addons to Cabal lists

Since the release of the Legions book I have been interested to see what the different Legion traits do to the CSM Cabal list and what bonuses you can grant from it. In this post I am going to be doing a quick breakdown of extras. I am going to miss out the ones you can't use (Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slannesh) due to the presence of MoK and DoK within the list. - I am assuming you are taking Kharn and Cypher to deal with Knights, Invis, getting Hit and Run and Shrouded.

1: Night Lords: The presence of a single Nightlord Character within the Cabal gives the entire unit Stealth. Coupled with Shrouded from Cypher means you instantly have a 4+ cover save first turn, which is an improvement on the 5+ invulnerable if you are not going first, It goes without saying that it is easy to turn this into a 2+ cover save on most boards.
Terror tactics means that units taking Fear checks, and they will because of Khorne Dogs, take it at a -2 modifier. Means something if you don't have invis up and they are most likely to hit you back on 5's, but apart from that it's not massive.

Relic wise: The Vox Deamonicus gives the star a small boost with -1 LD to enemy units within 6". This is good for shriek/ terrify play at close quarters and if you want to take larger advantage of a combat win to get the run result. Also -1 to enemy reserve rolls, this can damage your opponent if he is using Deepstrike tactics but it could also help them with keeping their weaker units off the board, depends what mission you are playing.

Stormbolt Plate. It's always good to have a 2+ save to tank some hits on and the extra +1 to the cover save means he is rolling a 3+ cover save out in the open. Not bad at all.

2:  World Eaters: Yep, somehow world eaters can buff a Psychic deathstar. Ok, so having a World Eaters Character in a Cabal will give it Adamantium Will, this is useful if you are not taking Kharn but I wouldn't advise doing that.

Relic Wise: The Talisman of Burning Blood is the kicker here. It adds 3" onto your Movement, Run and Charge distances every phase of every turn. Suddenly you can get a 1st turn charge with a 30" threat range without having to play with Summoning and Soul switch and it isn't even that expensive. 25 points + bike, lord and MoK comes in at 115 points. You could give him a powerfist or Daemon weapon or sorts to tank him up a bit but bare bones he is still useful as a movement boost tool.

I'm probably going to test this idea out for my 1850 list, just need to replace a sorcerer for him.

3: Word Bearers: Having a single Word Bearers character in a Cabal has no immediate outgoing effects, however all Conjurations are cast on a 3+ instead of a 4+. You probably know where this is going if you read my latest post.
Simply put, better and reliable summoning for early game as my experiences have seen his head pop off when I am too over zealous with summoning.

Relic wise: The Malefic tomb grants the psyker an extra Daemonology (Malefic) power. So a Lvl 3 sorcerer can roll 4 times on the Malefic tree and get the primus. A good way to secure Incursion, Sacrifice and Cursed earth.
The Script of Erebus, once per game you get an additional D6 of warp charge dice for the psychic phase. This can be really good or a dud depending on what you roll, however if you think you need a hand to get some extra powers off that turn it's a good item.
Baleful Icon. I don't know how much this would actually be used, basically it forces your opponent to re-roll successful charge ranges and they don't get extra attacks from charging. Good if you are fighting an assault based army, yet not very useful if your enemy never charges you.

The other remaining Legions: Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion have little to no additional effects that the cabal can use, their is the Mind Veil, but you have Hit and Run from Cypher and you can get cooler things elsewhere.

Hope this has been a good read and you get a little more individuality out of your Cabals like I have.

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