Wednesday 18 November 2015

Hebrute Murderpack Tactics

So, with jumping back into the spirit of Chaos Marines needing some firepower I very unwittingly asked Tom if 5 griffons were a worth while investment. As you can guess he came out all yoda like and asked me what is it you want it to achieve, which I could not answer. Dam it tom and your knowledge of playing competitively properly! He gave me some advice about how to build a bit more tournament worthy way and these are some similar ideas that I have come up with.

Disclaimer, once again these are not "Bombs" or OP stars, unless you find something awesome I seem to have over looked.

Murderpack: 5 Helbrutes

Twin Linked Lascannons X5, Reaper Autocannon X5

This seems a bit of an odd combination, but stay with me. Purchase a fortification of sorts or have Be'lakor handy and some terrain to deploy in.

The simple idea about this is that it is a fire base that makes use of the formations trait Pack Leader where you can pick which crazed result the brutes receive and through the fortification or Be'lakor you can reduce the damage taken by the squadron. If you are luckily unluckily hit by some enemies and lose a HP (but still remain alive) then next shooting phase you double your shots.

So that's 10 T-L Lascannon shots and 20 T-L reaper auto shots into the nearest enemy unit. Now that is a lot of shots. If my math hammer is correct you should get 8-9 lascannon hits and 16 autocannon hits too going off standard BS. If you are hitting tanks then 8 Lascannon hits can put down any AV13 vehicle in one, if not then the 3 average glances from the autocannons should do the trick. Likewise, a Dar knight should fall from this shooting but I'm not sure if it would be the closest unit, a Imp Knight would feel the sweat having to make 7 invuln saves from a single unit with it's shields, MC's get shredded and shooting flyers isn't out of the question either.

Ok, so the double shots is a bit temperamental with having to be damaged to pull it off and to be shooting something that is the closest target to your unit, but worth your while shooting. Whilst the brutes are not under crazed you still have an effective fire base, but rather expensive for the output.

Total points cost: 650 points

Going with the theme of the murder pack and adding Legacies of ruin, you could easily build an assault pack:

5 Helbrutes:

X5 Thunder hammers
X5 Reaper autocannons
(X5 Heavy Flamers if you want to go balls deep)
Character-brute: Maelstrom Raider

This one is simple, outflank from reserve with the formation. This works because as the Maelstrom Raider is bought for the unit Character then it automatically affect the whole unit. Jumping out on the flanks of your opponent is all you need to do and it's just a case of target priority. Once again the table can work in your favor giving you double shots or fleet and rage or behaving normally for a change.

This one is cheaper than the fire base, but is probably more prone to a disaster, coming out on the wrong side of the field or coming out late from reserve can be a farce. Also when they finally appear what can they achieve that will help you win the game, possibly bombing an objective close to the edge or back line units. However, if your enemy is mobile enough to keep you away then you have a slim chance of catching them.

Total points cost 525 points (+75 for the heavy flamers)

I was going to attempt a third variation, but the amount of IF, BUT, COULD and POSSIBLY was too much for me to handle. In other words its hardly worth thinking about to try and pull it off, surprisingly legal however.

It's just some alternate food for thought seeing what I can come up with that might lend a change to how some Chaos armies play on the tabletop.

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