Friday 20 March 2015

How not to Chaos: Chaos Fail Marines VS Serpent Spam Battle Report 1850 pts at Dice and Daggers

Lately, I have been taking a break from the computer driven games and gone into overdrive on my Warhammer craze. This week I bring you a short battle report of my 'currently under construction' Army against a tournament standard Serpent Spam list at 1850 points. Being my first time at the Dice and Daggers gaming club, I hoped that this game would be memorable and enjoyable for both me and my opponent and I can say it was definitely both for reasons you would not think.

My army consisted of the Crimson Slaughters: Chaos Space Marines supplement with allied renegades from Imperial Armour 13:

Sorcerer - Level 3, Divination Gift, Warlord, Force Axe

Sorcerer - Level 3, Bike, Force Axe

5 Marines - Rhino

5 Marines - Rhino

5 Spawn - Mark of Nurgle

HelBlade - Helstorm Autocannons

HelBlade - Helstorm Autocannons



Chaos Fire Raptor Gunship - Incendiary Missiles, Autocannon Batteries, Vessal of Tzenatch

2 Enforcer Cadre

5 Renegade Veterans - Scout, Chimera, Heavy Flamer Turret
5 Renegade Veterans - Scout, Chimera, Heavy Flamer Turret

4 Quad Mortar Field artillery Batteries

Agus Defence Line - Comms

my opponent John's army consisted of a pure Eldar list with a Crimson Hunter, which I am not entirely sure if it is from the Eldar's respective Imperial Armour. As I remember it:

Farseer, 2 Warlocks, 5 Rangers, two units of 5 Wraith Guard with Flamer weapons both in Wave Serpents, 5 Fire Warriors with exarch in Wave Serpent, 5 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent, 10 Guardians with a weapons platform, Crimson Hunter, 3 Eldar D cannons, and a Wraith Lord.

Set up and Powers:
The game set up was Dawn of War with Big Guns Never Tire with 4 objectives, luckily we agreed not to do Maelstrom mission cards as I am still unfamiliar with them and it would probably be a bad gaming experience all round. My opponent stuck one objective in his deployment zone and one on the top of a 3rd floor building, I placed one objective in my deployment zone, just behind my agus and the other on the far left flank outside both deployment zones.

With my warlord, I rolled on the Divination table gaining: Forewarning, Perfect Timing and Scrier's Gaze along with Prescience.
With my second sorcerer, I rolled on telepathy gaining: Terrify, Mental Fortitude, Shrouding and Psychic Shriek.

My opponent rolled on the Eldar table for all his powers, I believe he gained Guide, Eldric Storm, Mind War and shrouding.

Rolling for warlord traits was interesting as I forgot to do it all together, whereas my opponent got -1 to my reserve rolls.

Set Up:
My opponent won deployment and declared for me to set up first. I decided to hide the bulk of my force behind a large ruin placed centrally on the board and behind my Agus line. My spawn with the biked sorcerer and Maul fiends sat right on the edge of my deployment zone as I wanted to push forwards extremely quickly to break open some Serpents. I placed my artillery behind them along with my Divination sorcerer hoping to snipe off a few units here and there whilst my main assaulting units took care of business and provided a distraction. Both vet squads outflanked and all my flyers and both rhinos went into reserves.

My opponent then set up all his serpents spread out across the board, trying to take away any blind spots I could of hidden in. The Wraith Lord deployed next to the objective in his deployment zone  essentially closing it down for my outflanking troops to take unless I could shift him. The guardians deployed in some ruins to my far left close to the objective I placed and his Farseer deployed in some ruins with a warlock, finally his Rangers infiltrated onto the center piece of ruins right on top of another objective.
My opponent then declared that I was going first, which in essence allowed him the upper hand in the coming air war and getting the last turn jump on objectives if I didn't stop his Serpents.

Turn 1:
I pushed up with both my Maulers and spawn in my movement phase. In the Psychic phase I cast Scriers Gaze, Perfect timing and Prescience on the Artillery. My other sorcerer cast Shrouding on his unit of spawn. None of my powers were halted by my opponent this turn which was a good turn out for me.
During shooting both my Mauler fiends ran into ruins and so did my spawn granting them much needed cover saves. My Artillery up on my enemies Artillery, scoring 13 hits out of 16 shots, wounded 4 times but not taking a single wound off them. Quiet a shoddy shooting phase. looking back I should of fired on the Farseer nice and early to try and get rid of the majority of my enemy's psychic potential.

My opponent moved his serpents about to get shots off on the maulers and spawn, unfortunately none of the terrain provided any Line of Sight blockage, every ruin had windows so they parked up perfectly. The Farseer danced into ruins and his Wraith lord moved into cover. In his psychic phase the Farseer Shrouded himself, and guided the Wraith lord.
Shooting for the Eldar couldn't have gone better. The Serpents and wraith lord opened up on the Mauler fiends just managing to remove all the hull points and wrecking them both regardless of the extra Ruin saves. The Eldar artillery shot back at mine killing a single guy, finally the snipers took a wound on my spawns.

Chaos: 0 - Eldar:3

Turn 2:
Rolling my reserves both Helblades appeared on the 4+ whilst the Fire Raptor failed on the re-role from scriers gaze. Both rhinos and a single Chimera remained off as well.
In the movement I pushed up the Spawn to charge the closest Wave Serpent that exposed itself to shoot one of my Mauler Fiends whilst the Helblades both made a B line for my enemies artillery. The Chimera came on my left side behind a wave serpent and close enough to the Guardian squad to deal some damage in the shooting phase.

Drakes posing as Helbades, Maul fiends were unable to hide.
My psychic phase once again was fruitful pulling off Shrouded on the spawn, Prescience and perfect timing I did however perils the perfect timing but gained the 3++ invulnerable, fleshbane and armour bane special rules.

Shooting gave me chance to open up on my enemy a bit more. Both helblades shot at the enemy artillery unit, trying to kill an artillery piece and make them run, unfortunately I only managed a single wound on the artillery piece. My Chimera flamed the unit of guardians in cover, but only managed to kill 3 Guardians out of 7 hits. My artillery followed up and wiped the entire unit out with perfect shooting.

I then charged my spawn into the Wave Serpent in the assault phase and wrecked it with only my spawn needing to attack. The dire avengers jumped out of the serpent and passed their pinning check.

My opponent moved a serpent up close to my spawn and disembarked the Wrath Guards to deal some damage to my spawn with the Dire Avengers stood on the other side. Two serpents closed on my outflanked Chimera and the Wraith Guard and Fire Warriors disembarked spelling certain doom for my poor vets.
My enemy cast Psychic Storm upon my spawns, taking another wound off them, and once again shrouding himself.
The shooting phase saw the fall of both my helblades to the three remaining Serpents due to twin linked shots. My Chimera and Veterans died to the combined fire of the Fire Warriors destroying the Chimera and Wraith guard burning out my Veterans and their cadre, finally my Spawn and Sorcerer died to the combined firepower of the Wraiths- which rolled four 6's to to wound instant killing all my spawn- Dire Avengers and the Wraith Lord. The Eldar artillery also took out one of my Quad Mortars. Ouch...

Chaos: 0 - Eldar:3
Turn 3:
My Fire Raptor, a single rhino and the last Chimera rolled onto the board, I lined up my Fire Raptor with his Wraith Guard on the far left of the board.The Chimera came unfortunately on the right close to the Wraith Lord and Dire Avengers and the rhino rolled up next to my artillery to capture the objective closest to my board edge.
My psychic phase went quickly, with my last remaining sorcerer received a perils vanquishing his last wound and perishing him into the void. Warlord gone!
I originally targeted the Wraiths with my Fire Raptor, but unfortunately I was out of range, so I had to make do with shooting at the Rangers with the avenger cannon and a missile killing 3 of them and forcing them to flee and one of the autocannons into the dire avengers killing three of them, but they passed their leadership test. The artillery opened up on the Wraith guard in the center of the board taking several hits and wounds but unfortunately not a single Wraith fell.

My opponents turn saw the arrival of his Crimson Hunter, pointing directly towards my Fire Raptor. The central wraiths jumped back in their transport and it shimmied sideways to size up my living Chimera, the fire warriors jumped into their Serpent and moved to claim the leftmost objective. The other Wraiths climbed back aboard their serpent which moved up to the center of the board ready to deal more death to my other units.
The Psychic phase saw the Farseer Shroud himself and guide the Wraith Lord.
The shooting phase opened up with the Crimson Hunter taking shots at my Fire Raptor, which I jinked from ensuring that it stripped only 1 hull point. The wraith lord and a Wave Serpent joined in, failing to take another hull point even with Twin linked weapons. One serpent tore apart the Rhino in my deployment zone and the other serpent ended the last Chimera's short life. The Renegades climbing out of their transport also suffered at the hands of the Dire Avengers, with three dieing and failing a moral check the Enforcer Cadre took another life ensuring that they did not run from the field. His Artillery opened up on my marines that climbed out of the Rhino, slaying all of them with deadly accuracy.

Chaos: 0 - Eldar:3

Turn 4:
With little left on the field, my hopes were slim as I moved my final Rhino onto the field. My Fire Raptor turned towards the bulk of Wave serpents creeping up the field to try and head them off as well as fight off the Crimson Hunter stalking its tail.
My shooting phase was quick, with the Fire Raptor shooting at the crimson hunter, scoring 3 hits even through snap shots and forcing it to Jink and losing two hull points whilst shooting a Wave Serpent with its Avenger Cannon but failing to glance it. My Artillery fired onto the Farseer, once again slaying the other warlock but unable to harm the Farseer.

My opponents movement saw the two forward serpents dash up the board and the crimson hunter to dance around my Raptor once again. The Wraith Lord moved straight back towards his corner objective. The Rangers rallied and ran back to the central objective.
During the psychic phase the Farseer Guided the Crimson Hunter and shrouded himself once again.

Shooting saw a serpent, the Wraith Lord and the crimson hunter shred through my Fire Raptor in a shower of 6's and making it fall out of the sky. The Second serpent Wrecked my Rhino in spectacular fashion and the Artillery fired on my Artillery, killing several in a flurry of failed saves. I then failed my Leadership and they ran from the board. Over on the right the Dire Avengers finished off the last of my renegades leaving the cadre on a single wound.
Not Going Well...

Chaos: 0 - Eldar: 5

Turn 5
With my last 5 marines, I moved up to the closest wave serpent, attempting to get one final kill before I got tabled. The Cadre also moved up to the Avengers in an attempt to assault them.
During the shooting phase I managed to take out a Avenger with my Cadres Pistol and my Marines threw a single grenade into the Serpent failing to damage it.
The assault phase saw the Cadre die to an amazing overwatch shooting, drilling the poor man down to the ground. My marines charged successfully into the Serpent yet failed to damage it with my Krak Grenades.

My opponents turn was short, Wraith Guards climbed out of their transport in the face of my last five marines. The other serpent moved onto the objective in my deployment zone and the Rangers moved and ran claiming the final objective in the center of the board.
My opponent opened up with the Wraith Guards, slaying all my marines in a single flurry and ending the game.

Last stand, Fried marine anyone?

Final Results: Chaos: 0 Eldar: 17

Final Thoughts: Well my game couldn't of gone any worse, with forgetting about Forewarning and my Warlord Trait I was not setting myself in for a good time. Throughout the game I struggled to answer the threat of the Wave Serpents, only managing to get a single spawn squad into the enemy didn't bode well for them afterwards. Looking back I could of protected both the Maulers with a 2+ cover save combining the Shrouding with the ruins. I should of also focused more on the Farseer, slaying him would of given me the advantage earlier on in the Psychic phase.
The Helblades didn't impress, so they have now left the list and been replaced with another unit of Spawn seeing as they did well in the game. I also am changing the Veterans to a large platoon of Renegade guardsmen in Chimeras to give me more models and heavier shooting to stand up to heavier shooting lists and be able to trade shots.

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