Tuesday 15 December 2015

Choas Lord of War Review: Typhon Heavy Siege Tank

Chaos Typhon Heavy Siege Tank Review

The cheapest of the Lords of War coming in at 350 points for 6HP's and Land Raider armour on all facings is somewhat resilient against standard shooting, but still isn't indestructible and can be easily countered with drop troops or focused down with heavy firepower.
It's Dreadhammer is it's main weapon coming in at Range 24"/48" S10 AP1 7" Massive Blast, Primary Weapon and ignore cover, which is quiet a list of extra bits and pieces. The blast weapon is surprisingly accurate, being 7" blast and BS4 means you have to roll more than an 8 on your scatter to move past where you place the center of the blast marker and will not matter if you are shooting at any tanks as their chassis will give you extra leverage. Being a primary weapon it gets 2D6 against vehicles to pen and the AP1 gives it that all important +2 to the penetrating table so it can wreck tanks of equal AV value with ease. The addition of Ignore Cover means it can clear infantry out quickly too and no amount of 2" spread is going to spare you under a 7" blast marker.

So it's primarily designed to go after Tanks, Walkers and Infantry with this weapon and at 350 points it is a blast, but there are several upgrades for this cheap beast.

The Typhon can upgrade to be equipped with either Heavy Bolter Sponsons at +20 or Lascannons at +40 points. I for one don't know why you would add in heavy bolters when your main weapon is S10 AP1 Ignore cover 7"blast because if that doesn't clear your enemy units, then heavy bolters are going to do nothing to help it.
Also being a Super Heavy means you don't get armament destroyed results, so no saturation required there either.
The Lascannons are probably worth it, if your main cannon fails to get the 5+ required to destroy a enemy vehicle then following up with 2 Lascannon shots can drop some extra HP's off it and possibly cripple it further or finish it off. It also opens you up to being able to tickle GMC's or MC's with now being able to take 3 wounds off one than just 1 at a time.

The Typhon may also take Dirge Casters at +5 points, although it isn't capable of Close Combat itself I can see it getting close and personal with the 24" range after it has moved, god knows what will be within 6" of it and not be able to get rid of it in 1 turn or else it's going to have some problems. Possibly a melta drop unit? However...

For +20 points the Typhon can take Ceramite Plating negating the +1D6 of Meltas effectively making them useless against your LoW. I would say unless you have any Invis play, or even if you do, it is a good idea to purchase Ceramite plating for insurance to keep your Typhon alive.

You can take Warpflame Gargoyles to waste 5 points on. Honestly, it's the same as the heavy bolters, if your Dreadhammer isn't going to kill it D3 S4 AP5 hits on a 50% basis is going to do nothing as well.

It can take a havoc launcher for +12. It can be ok if you are filling it up on guns but launchers don't really perform well and I don't like them. Enough said.

Destroyer blades for +15 points. Now this is an interesting strand we can go with the Typhon. It has Crushing Weight, which adds +1 to its Thunderblitz when making Tank Shocks or Rams so it is guaranteed the D6 S6 AP4 hits. The Destroyer blades would then give and extra D6 S5 hits as well bringing the effectiveness of the Typhons Thunderblitz up. This does boil down to if you want your Typhon doing it or not.

(Edit: You can do a tank shock/ram and still shoot afterwards, so you can be ultra aggressive if you want)

Daemonic Possession can be 'taken' for +30 points. -1 BS to the Typhon and give it no benefits what so ever as it ignores all shaken and stunned results anyway. Pay more points to become shitter, sounds about right for Chaos...

A Typhon can also take a pintle mounted weapon: Heavy Flamer +15, Heavy Bolter +15 or a Multi Melta at +20. The only one I seeing being worth it is the Multi Melta if you are going all out with the Lascannons as well then it is a nice aditional weapon making you far bulkier against tanks and far more capable of taking on things like Knights.

It has the ability to take Malefic ammunition on its heavy bolters but no... totally not worth it as your dread hammer covers the AP1. You could argue taking the Havoc Launcher and the 3 heavy bolters along with Malefic ammo makes it an infantry butcher, but it already holds that title with the Dreadhammer, you are just adding weapons onto it that are not as good at doing the job the original is there for.

The two builds I see for the Typhon to work are either:

Typhon - Ceramite - 370 points
Typhon - Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons, Multi Melta - 430 points

How Not to do it!

Typhon - Daemonic Possession, Warpflame Gargoyles, Heavy Flamer, Heavy Bolters Malefic Ammunition - Just no....

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