Wednesday 16 December 2015

Chaos Knight: 2 FAQ Rulings? Which is right?

There is a problem a Brew. Two opposing FAQ's released for the Chaos Knight's "Daemon of X" counts as problem.

The problem is that the rules for the Knight taking 'Daemon Knight of x' doesn't state very well whether or not the Knight receives the benefits of the 'Daemon of X' in the Chaos Daemons book. Here are the two FAQ's:

The first was posted on one community page of CSM players, largely USA players we had our own 100+ message strand of discussing whether the Decimator Daemon Engine (Same wording as the Knights "Daemon of" ruling) actually got the Daemon benefits in the book and this was the settling info.

Today, rather just 5 minutes ago, we were linked to this:


Note: I do have the utmost respect for this blog and am not trying to say they have fabricated this evidence, I believe it came from the mouth of the beast along with the first one.

So now we have 2 different rulings for the same rule. Which one is official?

Personally as a Chaos player myself I am hoping it is the 2nd version of the rules because it makes sense for Daemon of Tzeentch to be +65 points and the Slannesh one wouldn't be as crappy but still quiet crappy. So.... how do we play this?

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