Monday, 30 November 2015

Rapier Weapon Carriers

Although it has not been long since my last post, I want to thank everyone for reading as it is the first one to hit 100+ views. So I'm glad to know that I am not spewing complete dribble all the time and people can read in between the dribble and see some good ideas emerge. A long time ago in a blog not so far away I wrote a rather long article about chaos 'gunline' options and what weapons you could bring to them. All in all it was a post about how shit we are in the shooting phase bar the heldrake because whats better than a model GW had to specifically nerf in an FAQ because it did too well to be kept in a Chaos Codex. Anyway guns.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

New Competitive list!

Pulling out the miniatures from under my bed and blowing the layers of dust off them I gave in to contemplation. Dam it! For a while I have been relaxing with 40K, not really playing much and my head hasn't been in the competitive game and honestly I think it's done me good. If you are a standard chaos player; buy dex, build awesome list, paint it up all nice like, go to club, get wrecked by a scrub lord who charges you with Fire Warriors, go home, cry, hate codex.

Ok, its not exactly that scenario but many of us have felt the pains of chaos. Thanks for the Spawn... Abaddon needed that...

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Hebrute Murderpack Tactics

So, with jumping back into the spirit of Chaos Marines needing some firepower I very unwittingly asked Tom if 5 griffons were a worth while investment. As you can guess he came out all yoda like and asked me what is it you want it to achieve, which I could not answer. Dam it tom and your knowledge of playing competitively properly! He gave me some advice about how to build a bit more tournament worthy way and these are some similar ideas that I have come up with.

Disclaimer, once again these are not "Bombs" or OP stars, unless you find something awesome I seem to have over looked.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Bell of Lost Souls sit down, Renegades do it better

It has been a while since I have posted on here, my apologies for this I just have been 'out-of-it' for a while and become a tad rusty with my 40K. Basically, not had time to play, read or chat with many people but a post about BOLS on Allies of Convenience got my pointy marines mojo going again so here we go! P.S go easy on me!