Sunday 22 February 2015

Building Minatures: Fire Raptor

Pick up day, it was a really big box.. Home
Base would be jealous

Getting new model is always a momentous occasion for me, whether it is a single mighty character or a Large unit of troops I always want to enjoy every aspect of bringing the model to life. As a competitive gamer you will be surprised to know that I actually base all my army building decisions on the fluff and books I have with me. Recently, I have been rubbing my face, not so literally, in Iron Warriors and I have to say that I have picked up my campsite from the boring Black Legion (especially after there Supplement book) and sat myself back down on the Iron Warrior side of things. They have the right idea in my opinion, hit it with artillery! And, with my recent present of Imperial Armour 13, say hi to some Chaotic Artillery, but they are for later.

I also, ever since they appeared in 6th edition, have been a fan of Flyers and all the damage, or lack of, they do. Heldrakes, Vendettas, Valkyries, Storm Eagles, Storm Talons and all the others. I love them all! So at Christmas I got a Fire Raptor Gunship, and have been spending a good long time building it and painting it, and here is how I got on...

 After a lengthy purchase time, 2 weeks longer than guaranteed delivery time, I got my raptor and delved into building it. Building this model took several days, several temper tantrums and many late nights of looking at pieces of resin that wouldn't fit together.
Finished with the glue, 2 Bottles worth!

Completed it looked like this, looks like it is meant to.

Painting the Raptor was great fun! It is a large model with lots of intricate detail available depending on the paint style. I went for a alternate take on the Forge Worlds Iron Warrior Raptor pictures using the forward facing hazard lines covering the cockpit.
The Iron Skulls selected from the Chaos Transfer sheets

Extra hazards on the Independent turret mounts and the hover jet engines.

Ready for war!
This brilliant craft will add a nice amount of firepower to my forces, next up Ordnance at the ready?

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