Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Traitors Hate: Cult of Destruction

The Cult of Destruction come in at minimum points cost at 275 points with 1 Warpsmith and 3 single Mutilators and Maxes at 1,380 points with 3 Warpsmiths and 15 Oblitorators (no marks). So can be either really cheap or really expensive, lets get into it.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Moving on & looking ahead

I've been trying to stay off this subject for quiet some time because A: I didn't want to talk about it, and B: I didn't see a reason to talk about it. Lately, however, this subject has affected me and has put me off doing write ups of my games and list at the UK GT Heat 5 in Stockport. An event which I was really excited to go to as it was my first ETC event.

Anyway, I left a Chaos Space Marine group called "Favoured of Chaos" until a few weeks after the tournament because of the conflict between myself and some of the Admin and group members.

Basically, in every game I fished for Invisibility first as that was the most important power to keep me on the board. In 3 games I missed getting invisibility as a power and in them 3 games I was tabled, after making a remark on the group somewhere along the lines of "Rolled 9 times on telepathy, not one invis, roll on next psychic tree gets a 5." Some replies were understanding and humorous 'that's pretty shit, GG'  or 'Ebay's good to sell your stuff' and some definitely were not.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Traitors Hate - Helforged Warpack Review/First Thoughts

Moving on from the Core choices of the Black Crusade detachment and I have decided to roll through them in the order they appear in the book. Simple way to keep me in line of the stuff I like and makes me write about the stuff I don't. So let's jump to it.