Tuesday 22 November 2016

Moving on & looking ahead

I've been trying to stay off this subject for quiet some time because A: I didn't want to talk about it, and B: I didn't see a reason to talk about it. Lately, however, this subject has affected me and has put me off doing write ups of my games and list at the UK GT Heat 5 in Stockport. An event which I was really excited to go to as it was my first ETC event.

Anyway, I left a Chaos Space Marine group called "Favoured of Chaos" until a few weeks after the tournament because of the conflict between myself and some of the Admin and group members.

Basically, in every game I fished for Invisibility first as that was the most important power to keep me on the board. In 3 games I missed getting invisibility as a power and in them 3 games I was tabled, after making a remark on the group somewhere along the lines of "Rolled 9 times on telepathy, not one invis, roll on next psychic tree gets a 5." Some replies were understanding and humorous 'that's pretty shit, GG'  or 'Ebay's good to sell your stuff' and some definitely were not.
The best ones were "Stop relying on the gimmick of the army" and "If you want point and click wins pack up my army and play eldar" followed by a blog post on "How to use the Cabal Star". You couldn't write 'being a complete ego dick' any larger. Anyway the blog post was shit, I said it was so and then got stick off of the admin for it. I re-wrote my list and posted it up for suggestions and got stick off of admin again, so I left.

Whats the point of talking to a group of ego warriors who believe themselves to be some sort of guru know-it-alls that don't really help my game or help me develop as a player. Some of the people in the group are good players and nice people who I respect and would probably enjoy a friendly competitive game against, others I would rather hit them with their own carrying case.

So I left and I really don't feel like going back, I feel since I left I have started enjoying the hobby a lot more as a whole. I'm tearing apart my Defiler finally and turning it into a Brass Scorpion and I've been catching up on my painting. What is done is done and I am moving on, just wanted to get it off of my chest.

So, looking ahead. I have been entered as a Wildcard for the GT finals. Ok, I finished 19th out of 20th. Being tabled 3 times and either getting an even match up (the exact same army build) or a bad match up super-glued onto my inexperience with the army and making some big and small mistakes meant I didn't end well. However, it was judged that I was a brilliant sport at being smashed apart several times in a row so I'm going to the final! With a slightly different list, obviously.

The basic principle of this list is "Two are better than One" and I am not going to tell anyone any more than that, besides Will (the guy who basically suggested it) and Tom (The guy who I ran it past). Actually, the entire Dice 'N' Dagger community has seen it so the secret is a bit out. Still not telling.

The list fixes the problems that I had before of: A) Not having enough output to stem the tide of shooting death. B) More scoring units to get Maelstrom. C) Pulling off a first turn charge. D) Getting Invis guaranteed. (It's not Be'lakor)

With the finals are in March, which I have plenty of time to play this list and get to grips with it. I have been doing so already in 3v3 and 2v2 games where the damage I take is massive and the lessons are learned painfully and so far it has been working. I also have a few guys who are playing an ITC style tournament in January who are both up for a few practice games with their tournament lists, also I'm pretty sure Tom will steam roll roflstomp me on Vassal like he usually does to teach me something interesting.

All in all, I'm enjoying my hobby again, looking forward to more games and tournaments and I don't need keyboard warriors putting a downer on my hobby, peace!

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